
Here you find a dictionary of important words and definitions that will help you understand the core concepts behind Openli.


The identifier lets you identify a user with a unique user ID that you choose. An optimal identifier will be something that doesn't change, like a database ID.

It's a good idea to put a bit of thought into what you use as an identifier. A few key inputs on how to select a good identifier:

  • The user should not be able to change the identifier, i.e. don't use an email address, name, etc. as identifier.

  • The identifier should be accessible all places where you want to use Legal Monster, so don't use something that only lives in your mobile apps and not in your web-app, etc.


In Legal Monster everything is tied to a project. A project holds multiple agreements, widgets, user consents in the audit trail, etc. An account can have multiple projects.

Projects can be used for multiple purposes, some listed here:

  • To separate your test environment from your production environment when developing using our API or our widgets.

  • To separate different products, for example, a gaming studio that has different published games might give each game its own project.

  • To separate languages, e.g. one project for English, one for Danish, etc.


Every project can have a variety of differently-configured widgets, which are used to obtain consent in different circumstances. This variety includes, among others:

  • Separating different segments of users, like business users (B2B) from consumer users (B2C).

  • Requesting different types of consent, such as consent to your Terms of Service, or consent to receive email marketing.

  • Collecting cookie consent.

Last updated